Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the Xth Congress of the Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia (OPF) "Plant Biology in the Era of Global Climate Change", which will be held on September 18-23, 2023 in Ufa on the basis of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ufa University of Science and technologies.

The 10th Congress of the OFR is a significant event for many plant biologists for whom, especially after the pandemic, it is important to share their scientific achievements in various fields of plant physiology and biochemistry. The congress is an important stage for the development of our society of plant physiologists, where new directions and development trends will be formed, contacts will be established with researchers and scientific teams from all regions of Russia.

The venue of the Congress is the city of Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, one of the oldest cities in the Urals, a city at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, where a fusion of cultures takes place and which is famous for its multinationality and rich cultural heritage. Ufa is one of the most spacious and longest million-plus cities; it stretches along the Ufa Peninsula for almost 60 kilometers. Ufa is the greenest city in Russia, a significant part of its area is occupied by parks and squares.

The School of Young Scientists will allow novice researchers to share their achievements, gain certain skills in conducting experiments, discussing them, and, most importantly, learn to love plant physiology!

A round table dedicated to the discussion of the teaching of plant physiology in higher education and related biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and other disciplines will allow university teachers to increase the prestige of plant physiology and the quality of education in this discipline.

An extensive excursion and cultural program awaits the participants - around Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan, where there are many natural attractions.